Printable Giraffe Pattern Cupcake
In today’s era; the traditional belongings have been replaced with innovation and modern choices. In past, people used to offer guests with traditional cakes on wedding events but now this trend has been replaced with wedding cupcakes. People are more after simplicity and wedding cupcakes best serve the purpose. These are easy to serve, tasty and delicious. Moreover, it is easy to take care of cupcakes as you can easily move these cakes and these are less exposed to risk of damage. In addition to all great features; you also don’t need to order for small plates for serving of these cakes and you also don’t need knives. Cupcakes are easy to be served in cups and dispose of empty cups in baskets.
However, you cannot really overrule the factor of decoration. You need to decorate traditional as well as wedding cupcakes to make them more special. The decoration of cupcakes should be done just according to the theme of wedding and you also need to take care of colors and style.
Monogram decoration is one of the most popular and common type of decoration used by people for cupcakes. If you wish to apply monogram decoration then you will first start with the cupcake top. You need to decorate top with icing. After then you will create monograms to be placed on the peak of icing. But you need to ensure that your monograms have been dried before you place these on top of icing. Then you can cut the foundation of cupcakes into different shapes to create a dazzling look. You can cut in heart shape, circles, statue or other shapes.
Another great choice for wedding cupcakes decoration is flag, fondant flowers, fresh fruits, chocolate or decoration with other such material. You can also explore some of the popular designs and styles for cupcake decoration online.