When you are planning for wedding then at the same time you must not ignore the bridal shower ideas planning. It is also very much important because everyone wants to make sure that the last few days of bride will be fun for her. There are lots of games that you can play on these days, some are really cool, and some are bit silly, but each game has its own charm. So it is better that you should decide in advance that what games you are looking to play on these days.
One of the most played games and which is very interesting too is to play the quiz game with bride, in which most of the questions are asked about groom, that what he likes in songs, food etc. For this someone from the bride’s family or friend visit the groom to get the important information which then be used in this game. At the end of this game, if the bride gives half of the answers correctly then she will be awarded a gift, which she deserves.
Another good bridal shower idea is to play the toilet paper wedding dresses. In this there are two teams, in which there are at least two members for each team or maximum of five members which ever suits you. In this game, you have to dress up one of the team member with toilet paper and then use accessories to decorate him. At the end of the game it is the bride who decides the winner of this game.
Same way you can find a lot of other bridal shower ideas from the online sources. The only thing that you have to do is to go online and make some good search. There are many websites from where you can find these ideas that can really help you in deciding the best one that you should choose for having fun.